Calmore Community Playgroup, Calmore Community Centre, Totton. 023 8077 2327
Calmore Out of school Club Phone Sharon Privett (Club Leader) 07786 596415
Calmore Bumble Bees Playgroup Contact the Pre-school on 023 8086 8455
The Groups above can also be contacted through the Calmore Community Association 023 8086 8455
Calmore Caterpillars Playgroup Calmore Infants School phone 079 0505 0777 Lianne Appleby 023 8086 5384
Colbury Pre-school, Junction Road Centre, Totton 023 8087 3364
Chuckles Day Nursery, 2 Northlands Road, Totton 023 8086 0229
Doves Playgroup, Christian Centre, Ringwood Road, Totton. 023 8066 7505
Eling Day Nursery, 44 Downs Park Road , Eling 023 8086 2318
Kids Incorporated Day Nursery, 71 High Street, Totton. 023 8066 6626
Hounsdown Playgroup, Hounsdown Hall, Totton. 023 8086 7189
Playaway Day Nursery, Water Lane, Totton. 023 8086 2169
Stepping Stones Nursery, 74 Eling Lane, Totton. 023 8086 6763
Squirrels Playgroup, West Totton Centre, Totton. 023 8086 7915
Tots & Toddlers St Anne’s Church , Calmore Wednesday 10am to 12noon
Totton Recreation Centre Creche, Water Lane, Totton 023 8086 7474
Totton Opportunity Play group Calmore Infants School Phone Diane Collier 8086 6970 Julie Ledbetter 8086 7870
Testwood Baptist Church, Salisbury Road, Totton. 023 8086 1893 Or 023 8086 0281